
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Call for Papers: Conference on Future of Higher Education in South Sudan

14-16 November 2011, South Sudan Hotel, Juba

South Sudan has inherited nine public and sixteen private universities on 9th July 2011, the day on which it declared its independence. Out of nine public universities, five are already functioning and have students on campus. The other four public universities are new and do not yet have any students. Nevertheless, the situation of higher education institutions in the new republic is a major challenge. The physical infrastructures in the original campuses are dilapidated and unsuitable for accommodating the increased number of students. On the teaching staff situation the Northern Sudanese teaching staff on these universities used to average 65%, but now the capacity is at 35%. Moreover, there is lack of regulations and institutions that control and assure quality of higher education in South Sudan. These are but only the main problems that should concern South Sudanese, particularly those tasked with bringing rapid changes to the educational sector in the new republic.

The president of the republic on the occasion of independence celebration at University of Juba Campus said, “I appeal to you all both academic staff and administrations of our public universities to put your minds together and come up with well studied recommendations and plans for strengthening our institutions, which must become the pillars of nation-building.”

In response to President's call and in recognition of the invaluable role academics can play in shaping the future of higher education in our country, the Academics and Researchers Forum for Development in Collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology would like to launch a conference on Future of Higher Education in South Sudan between 14th and 16th November 2011; and invite all concerned to submit a 200-word abstract of their papers by 30th September 2011; and if accepted, submit a final draft paper by 30th October 2011. The themes of the conference include:

Expansion in Higher Education (Reasons, necessary conditions,
comparative studies)
Merits of focused higher education
Private higher education (Licensing and quality control)
Higher Education and Globalization
Staffing and maintaining quality in higher education and scientific research
Postgraduate research and education
Issues of management and funding in Higher Education
Higher Education and Vocational Training
Relevance of Subjects offered by universities
Adult Higher Education
Community-based higher education
Higher Education during South Sudan Transition
Higher Education and Economic Development

The important dates and deadlines are summarized below:
Submission of Abstracts (not exceeding 200 words) 30 September 2011
Submission of Final draft papers 30 October 2011
Conference 14-15 November

For enquiries and submission of abstracts and papers please contact any of the following members of the organizing committee:

Dr. Dheiu Mathok l (0955008855, Dr. Leben Nelson Moro (0128105701 lebenmoro@hotmail.coml) Dr. Melha Biel Rout ( 0955363752;

Academics and Researchers Forum for Development is regsitered as NGO No. 985 in South Sudan.

Head Office, Juba


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    By Blogger Monnika Jacob, At 2:47 AM  

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    By Blogger Wooten Huber, At 8:52 AM  

  • John Akec is a notable figure from South Sudan. He is often recognized for his contributions to education and development within the country. John Akec is particularly known for his work in the field of higher education, and he has served as the Vice Chancellor of Juba University, South Sudan's main public university.
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