FundingOur Universities to Deliveron their Mandate: The Case of University of Juba
By John A. Akec
going to war, Haifa must speak”, Israeli politicians are apt to telling their
audience. This is specially so, when showcasing the importance their nation
attaches to universities and centres of knowledge and research. The University
of Haifa, a flag bearer on national security issues, is one such institution
reference is made to when making important decisions central to their nation’s
security and its citizens’ wellbeing. Surrounded by innumerable challenges
since its inception, Israel has built top notch and highly specialized universities
such as Haifa for security studies, Hebrew for agriculture, Ben-Gurion for water
and desert research,Technion and Telaviv for science and technology, among
others. These universities allow the Jewish nation to effect socio-economic advancement
in a region where land is limited, waterscarce, and security a nagging concern
at all times.
only Israel, but its powerful Arab neighbour, Egypt, is using its top ranking
universities such as Cairo and Alexandria to develop technologies that would
allow expansion of agriculture into its deserts as well as harnessing
technologies that optimize water reuse. These are strategic concerns that will
occupy Egypt’s policy-makers for generations to come. And their universities
are well equipped to give answers which will enhance the quality of decisions
being made along the road.
And the
world over, all seem to agree that no country can develop or compete in the global
marketplace without establishing universities that provide quality education to
its youth and conduct research that informs national policies and drives
innovation. However, in South Sudan, we still have a long way to go in order to
reflect in our national budgets the important mandate placed on universities as
generators of knowledge necessary for our socio-economic development.
as a country, have five functioning public universities (Juba, Bahr El Ghazal,
Upper Nile, Rumbek, and Dr. John Garang); and 4 proposed universities (Northern
Bahr El Ghazal, Torit, Bentiu, and Yambio) that are yet to function when
funding becomes available. The functioning public universities are seriously
under funded and lack the basic infrastructure such as adequate lecture halls, well-stocked
libraries, equipped laboratories, internet, and office space for the teaching
staff. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning in its annual budgets
commits itself to payment of salaries of staff and rarely anything for
operation or infrastructure or lab equipment. This funding situation has never
changed since independence in 2011.
of Juba is the oldest and the largest of South Sudan’s universities. It was
established in 1975 in order to train civil servants for then autonomous
government of South Sudan. Startingas 4 colleges in 1977 when it admitted its
first students, it grew over the years into the current 11 colleges/schools, 7
specialisedcentres, and two institutes. It is a comprehensive University
offering undergraduate programmes in medicine, engineering, agriculture and
natural resources, music and fine arts, management sciences, finance and banking,
public administration, law, education, economics, and social sciences, among
others. Before independence, the University had about 18,000 students, 700
academic staff; and 1000 administrative, technical and support staff. Right
after the declaration of independence, the number of students dropped to 9,000
and academic staff to a mere 137.
since the declaration of our independence, the University has faced serious
challenges and has been struggling to deliver on its mandate. Under the new
administration, the number of academic staff rose from 291 in January 2014 to
574 in July 2016 (still far short of the 700 in June 2011). Due to irregular
admission of new students by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and
Technology, the graduation rate was higher than the intake rates from 2011 to
2016. The number of students plummeted to the lowest ever in May 2016 to 6,000
of which 1,000 are at postgraduate level. This academic year, University of
Jubadoes have students in most colleges in third and fifth years because in
some years no intake took place, thereby creating those gaps. Nevertheless,
with about 4,000 new students expected to join, the student population will
rise to 10,000 in October 2016, and it is projected to climb back to 18,000 by
October 2018.
January 2014, about 50% of the academic staff were part-timers. However, over
the last two years, progress has been made. Today, part-timer lecturers still
make up 28% of the 784 needed teaching force at University of Juba. A marked
improvement but ideally the figure of part-timers should not exceed 10%. The
University has been able to revive annual graduation ceremonies from 2015, a
feat that was abandoned by the University for over 12 years. The number of
master programmes is increasing. A postgraduate school to train civil servants
has been established since 2015. Student Union has been reconstituted after
being banned for 4 years. An Institute for Transformational Leadership
targeting women has been launched in January this year in collaboration with UNWomen.
new administration that came into office in March 2014 has developed and
adopted a new vision and mission that position University of Juba as “a world-class
centre of excellence that is committed to national economic empowerment and
social transformation through education, research, innovation, entrepreneurship
and service to community;” together with core values and a new motto (“Inventing
the future, transforming society), to match. The administration has also developed
eleven strategic goals to be achieved by 2030 that would see the University
grow to 60,000 students with 10% of them being international students, while 20%
of academic staff will be international. Besides,6,000 of the students will be
at postgraduate and research levels. In addition, a 15-year physical master
planis being developed to serve the mission of the University and match the
expansion of its academic programmes and its services to the community.
A recent
survey conducted by the Directorate of Planning, Innovation and Quality
Assurance of the University of Juba, found that 77% of students and 51% of
academic staff agree that the new University administration has made progress
over the last two years. But the report also pointed out the lack of progress
in several areas such as stocking libraries with new books, equipping laboratories,
lack of internet, lack of constant electric power, and improving the quality of
lecture halls.
order to maintain this forward momentum and address the shortcomings
highlighted by the opinion survey report, the University has reluctantly decided
to adjust the tuition fees to reflect the rising market prices caused by the
fall of the value of the national currency against the dollar. It was done in
such a way not to compete with the inflation, so to speak, but to dampen its
damaging effect on the quality of education the University provides to its
student. For example, medical students are asked to pay SSP 15,000 (USD 200)
compared to SSP 5,000 last academic year 2015/2016 which was worth USD 280 in
real terms. Students of Engineering will pay SSP 12,000 (USD 160), Applied Sciences
SSP 9,000 (USD 120); economic and social sciences, humanities, and education
SSP 6,000 (USD 80); law 10,000 (USD 133), and management sciences SSP 8,000 (USD
in order to operate effectively, the University would need to raise SSP 240 million
(USD 3.2m). The Ministry of Finance will provide in its budget this year some SSP
116 million for salaries, and the University of Juba administration plans to raise
SSP 79 million through student tuition fees. However, it would still leave the University
with a deficit of SSP 45 million (USD 600,000). What this means is that we may
not be able to do all the things we need to do, but would at least see the
academic year through.
the decision by the University of Juba to adjust the tuition fees for the new
academic year 2016/2017 in order to offset the negative effect of the rising inflation
on its operating budget and maintain purchasing power, has come under fire from
the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technologywhich described it as “burdensome
to students and their parents.” Accordingly, the Ministry of Higher Education
has issued an order containing a list of standard fees to which all public
universities must comply. According to the Ministerial Order dated 6th
October 2016signed by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology,
medical students should pay SSP 3,950 (USD 52 at current market value) compared
to last year when theypaid SSP 5,000 (which was worth USD 280 at the time);
engineering SSP 3,375 (USD 45);economics, social sciences, and humanities
colleges SSP 1,950 (USD 26); management sciences SSP 2,245 (USD 29);and law SSP
2,230 (USD 31).
response, the University of Juba administration has found it difficult to
comply with the ministerial order because its implementation would create a
deficit of SSP 92 million. There is no mention in the ministerial order how
this gap would be bridged. It literally means we will find it extremely
difficult to operate and see the academic year through with so low a budget.
fully appreciate the challenges faced by the University of Juba one needs to
examine the inflation of prices and how they erode the purchasing power of tuition
fees collected from students. For example, in 2014, our monthly operation cost
was between SSP 350,000 to SSP 450,000 a month. At that time, were spending
about SSP 80,000 a month on fuel and SSP 120, 000 per semester to print out
examination answer sheets. Also at that time, a bag of cement cost around SSP
250. From July 2015 to December 2015, the operating cost began to rise to
between SSP 1.2 million and SSP 1.4 million a month.
January 2016, the operating cost exceeded to SSP 4 million a month. The cost of
fuel for generators alone went up to SSP 420,000 for 20,000 liters of diesel.
Printing of exams answer sheets went up to SSP 600,000 per semester compared to
90,000 in 2014 and early 2015.
short, everything we purchase to operate has increased 6 to 10 folds, while our
income from tuition fees remained the same. And because we did not have the SSP
4 million to spend per a month, we resorted to drastic cutting downof spending.
For example, we suspended the payment of annual air tickets and medical
insurance to our international staff. We also cut the hours of electricity on
the campus by 5 hours. We froze all maintenance works that were planned to be
carried out on engineering, science, and medical labs, and SamaniHall in 2016. That
means we could barely afford to pay for a quarter of services we used to
purchase in 2015 to keep the University running.
is more, despite the concerns raised about our tuition fees,the value of new
fees in real term hasactually declined over the past yearsas opposed to the claim
that they have been rising every year. For example, medical students paid SSP
5,000 in academic year 2015/2016 (which was worth USD 280). But now they will
be paying SSP 15,000 which, in real term, is USD 200 as opposed to USD 280.
This fall in the value of tuition fees applies across all the colleges.
It is not possible for the University of Juba administration
tocommit to thefee structure presented by the Ministry of Higher Education
Science and Technology, without indications of how the gap would be bridged,
and to bridge the gap up front.
In fact, no South Sudanese citizen with any sense of patriotism
would accept to see the decline of the University of Juba academic standing
because of poor funding.
What is now needed is a solid commitment by all stakeholders
to support the University of Juba financially as well as the other public
universities in order to fulfil their mandate despite the current economic
challenges. Doing so will serve our best national interest.
Dear Prof.John A. Akec, firstly, i will congratulate you for being the Vice Chancellor for the University of Juba! Though it is too late to say it but being late is better than never!!You are the right person in the right place.The public opinion can testify for the great achievements you have done in that institutions of Education.Secondly,i am really attracted and happy about the NEW VISION,MISSION and MOTTO of the University,because if it is achieved, then we(South Sudanese;politicians and academia)can be able to say:"Before going to war or taking decision on any national problem,University of Juba must speak".Thirdly,concerning the reactions brought about because of adjusted fees,yes,i can say the administration of the University of Juba is right in principle but practically it is not because somebody who has nothing can not be able to pay more than what he already rarely had likewise,the minister is right in principle but not practically,because you cannot expect someone to do something without giving him tools for the i am supporting urgent dialogue between the stakeholders and come up with practical decisions.Additionally,the universities must fund themselves through its investments and businesses because the ministry cannot fund everything in the universities .Lastly,but not less we need to acknowledge the biting economical realities that our country is undergoing because money is power and you can do everything easily! Both quality education and strong economy can make our nation GREAT like America !!!
With Best Regards,
Dr.Thomas Madul Ker,
MBBS,University of Juba.
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