Why Anthony Makana is My Mould of a Politician and Charles Kisanga a Model Citizen?
By John A. Akec
The exchanges on SPLM-Diaspora Internet Forum between the GOSS' Minister of Commerce and Trade, Anthony Makana and Charles Kisanga, a Southern Sudanese engineering consultant currently residing in the UK is like the story of David and Goliath, except that in this occasion, both David and Goliath won!
Anthony Makana intervened to respond to comments made by a fellow Azande, Charles Kisanga about the recent attempts by GOSS' Vice President Riek Machar to establish contacts with LRA leadership in Western Equatoria. However, the discussion spiralled out into a heated debate not just about the issues being debated, but on personal integrity and credibility of each. Politics is like that, you can't easily untangle the two: personal integrity, and personal political views. If one suffers, the other suffers too. That is why, in civlised world, when a politician has been proved dishonest in small matters he or she is judged unfit for the high government office.
Many well meaning individuals advised the Minister not to get involved in such discussions on the Internet in future (presumably because it is a place for lunatics, the irresponsible, and idlers?!). Others blamed him for "stooping too low!" to exchange views with Charles Kisanga (a confused commoner and liar?). I believe, such comments were well intentioned. However, I could not disagree with them more. Here is why.
The token shown by Minister Anthony Makana when he rolled up his sleeves to take part in an Internet discussion is of great significance to the development of our democratic values. Although the word "democracy" is used these days as a pepper and chilly to spice up our speeches, our political articles, our books, and our liberation slogans, it has no meaning in our political reality. And nothing could be demonstrable of that state of affairs than our mental models of the state and the politicians which are in fact the result of our long suffering under totalitarian systems. That is, systems cloaked in official secrecy, where politicians are insulated in their Ivory towers (in the Upper Room) until they lose their ministerial jobs, then and only then will they be accessible to the public again! That is what we believe to be "government", and those who keep tight lips are our mould of politicians proper!
In fact, this is not what happens in true democracies. In a real democracy, politicians are never insulated from the public. From a prime minister, to a back bench member of Parliament, all make use of any opportunity that avails itself to them to reach out to the wider society and to exchange views with citizens through newspaper, televised interviews, discussion panels, or taking part in popular TV programmes such as "I am a celebrity, get me out here!" in the UK.
A politician who exposes himself/herself to public scrutiny and opens his/her mouth wide for public to view, hear, or examine, and still survives intact, is a better "tested" politician than the one who hides behind "Official Secrecy Act" and who are "too clean" to engage in mud-slinging exercise with the general public.
When Makana engaged Kisanga, my prayers were with Kisanga to win the argument. This is because Kisanga is a normal citizen like me, and yet brave enough to take on a government minister. Furthermore, I have a deep rooted belief that what government officials say to the public, needs to be taken with a certain dose of scepticism. So my first personal commandment ought to be: don't trust the government. My second commandment is: don't trust the government, and the third commandment: don't trust the government. Then everything else follows. This does not mean I am necessarily anti-government boffin, but one who believes that we can make the most of our politicians if we keep them on their toes - guilty and untill proven innocent!
Here is why. While minister Makana agreed that Vice President Riek Machar has been in contact with LRA leaders in Western Equatoria, he claimed the purpose was not to "negotiate" with LRA but to "deliver a final warning" to leave Southern Sudan, or else. And while the recent address by President Salva Kiir to the Assembly speaks of a policy of using military force to drive out the LRA, RumbeK's SPLM leadership Conference policy recommendations did not rule out encouraging LRA and Ugandan government to negotiate a political settlement to war in northen Uganda. However, one understands that GOSS is aware of the sensitivity of LRA issue amongst the general public, and so tends to play down the pursuit of peaceful options in preference of a military solution. And that, I believe, was what the minister was trying to achieve. Charles Kisanga, on his part, tried his best to give the minister hard times. After all, not all that Charles said was empty rhetoric as some of his comments met with some appreciation from a number of members on the discussion board.
That said, I can hardly conceal my admiration for the positive attitude that has been displayed by the Commerce Minister, Mr Anthony Makana, by leaving his official high towers to get engaged with the public directly, and thereby putting his reputation on the line. Any politician with nothing to hide and who believes in politics of transparency and honest accountability need not shy away from taking part in this sort of discussion on the Internet as an official who has full information and as citizen in his or her own right.
It is my unshakable belief that we need not discourage the minister from engaging in the future in discussions on the Internet which are of interest to him. In fact, all the politicians except civil servants should be encouraged to post or respond to information and opinions expressed on the Internet, when time allows it.
We need to challenge the now embedded misconception that engaging on the Internet is not a job of self-respecting politician. It is the only means that is accessible to a significant sector of our community across the globe to receive information on the function of our government.
This is because it is not only the Top SPLA commanders who follow up discussions on the Internet these days, but also housewives, and young people. The question "Have you not read it on the Internet?" is very common among members of our community these days, specially among moms and housewives. And that is an audience that is often left out of our male-dominated politics in Southern Sudan. They are now fully tuned in and watching everything very carefully. So the influence of the Internet as prime tool of communication is much deeper than one might think. And with it comes the opportunity to reach out with the government message to a much larger audience.
And although I disagreed with arguments advanced by Minister Anthony Makana, he has more than compensated for the shortcoming by showing that he is one of us, that he is from us, and is working for us. I can't find better words to express his young and geeky spirit. It is the spirit of this age.
His risky act is not an oddity to be disbanded, but one to be emulated by other ministers. A new model about how a politician ought to act and get involved with the general public.
This model says: be simple, be honest, and be brave, and your reputation will remain intact, while the trust between the people and their government will be strengthened.
The exchanges on SPLM-Diaspora Internet Forum between the GOSS' Minister of Commerce and Trade, Anthony Makana and Charles Kisanga, a Southern Sudanese engineering consultant currently residing in the UK is like the story of David and Goliath, except that in this occasion, both David and Goliath won!
Anthony Makana intervened to respond to comments made by a fellow Azande, Charles Kisanga about the recent attempts by GOSS' Vice President Riek Machar to establish contacts with LRA leadership in Western Equatoria. However, the discussion spiralled out into a heated debate not just about the issues being debated, but on personal integrity and credibility of each. Politics is like that, you can't easily untangle the two: personal integrity, and personal political views. If one suffers, the other suffers too. That is why, in civlised world, when a politician has been proved dishonest in small matters he or she is judged unfit for the high government office.
Many well meaning individuals advised the Minister not to get involved in such discussions on the Internet in future (presumably because it is a place for lunatics, the irresponsible, and idlers?!). Others blamed him for "stooping too low!" to exchange views with Charles Kisanga (a confused commoner and liar?). I believe, such comments were well intentioned. However, I could not disagree with them more. Here is why.
The token shown by Minister Anthony Makana when he rolled up his sleeves to take part in an Internet discussion is of great significance to the development of our democratic values. Although the word "democracy" is used these days as a pepper and chilly to spice up our speeches, our political articles, our books, and our liberation slogans, it has no meaning in our political reality. And nothing could be demonstrable of that state of affairs than our mental models of the state and the politicians which are in fact the result of our long suffering under totalitarian systems. That is, systems cloaked in official secrecy, where politicians are insulated in their Ivory towers (in the Upper Room) until they lose their ministerial jobs, then and only then will they be accessible to the public again! That is what we believe to be "government", and those who keep tight lips are our mould of politicians proper!
In fact, this is not what happens in true democracies. In a real democracy, politicians are never insulated from the public. From a prime minister, to a back bench member of Parliament, all make use of any opportunity that avails itself to them to reach out to the wider society and to exchange views with citizens through newspaper, televised interviews, discussion panels, or taking part in popular TV programmes such as "I am a celebrity, get me out here!" in the UK.
A politician who exposes himself/herself to public scrutiny and opens his/her mouth wide for public to view, hear, or examine, and still survives intact, is a better "tested" politician than the one who hides behind "Official Secrecy Act" and who are "too clean" to engage in mud-slinging exercise with the general public.
When Makana engaged Kisanga, my prayers were with Kisanga to win the argument. This is because Kisanga is a normal citizen like me, and yet brave enough to take on a government minister. Furthermore, I have a deep rooted belief that what government officials say to the public, needs to be taken with a certain dose of scepticism. So my first personal commandment ought to be: don't trust the government. My second commandment is: don't trust the government, and the third commandment: don't trust the government. Then everything else follows. This does not mean I am necessarily anti-government boffin, but one who believes that we can make the most of our politicians if we keep them on their toes - guilty and untill proven innocent!
Here is why. While minister Makana agreed that Vice President Riek Machar has been in contact with LRA leaders in Western Equatoria, he claimed the purpose was not to "negotiate" with LRA but to "deliver a final warning" to leave Southern Sudan, or else. And while the recent address by President Salva Kiir to the Assembly speaks of a policy of using military force to drive out the LRA, RumbeK's SPLM leadership Conference policy recommendations did not rule out encouraging LRA and Ugandan government to negotiate a political settlement to war in northen Uganda. However, one understands that GOSS is aware of the sensitivity of LRA issue amongst the general public, and so tends to play down the pursuit of peaceful options in preference of a military solution. And that, I believe, was what the minister was trying to achieve. Charles Kisanga, on his part, tried his best to give the minister hard times. After all, not all that Charles said was empty rhetoric as some of his comments met with some appreciation from a number of members on the discussion board.
That said, I can hardly conceal my admiration for the positive attitude that has been displayed by the Commerce Minister, Mr Anthony Makana, by leaving his official high towers to get engaged with the public directly, and thereby putting his reputation on the line. Any politician with nothing to hide and who believes in politics of transparency and honest accountability need not shy away from taking part in this sort of discussion on the Internet as an official who has full information and as citizen in his or her own right.
It is my unshakable belief that we need not discourage the minister from engaging in the future in discussions on the Internet which are of interest to him. In fact, all the politicians except civil servants should be encouraged to post or respond to information and opinions expressed on the Internet, when time allows it.
We need to challenge the now embedded misconception that engaging on the Internet is not a job of self-respecting politician. It is the only means that is accessible to a significant sector of our community across the globe to receive information on the function of our government.
This is because it is not only the Top SPLA commanders who follow up discussions on the Internet these days, but also housewives, and young people. The question "Have you not read it on the Internet?" is very common among members of our community these days, specially among moms and housewives. And that is an audience that is often left out of our male-dominated politics in Southern Sudan. They are now fully tuned in and watching everything very carefully. So the influence of the Internet as prime tool of communication is much deeper than one might think. And with it comes the opportunity to reach out with the government message to a much larger audience.
And although I disagreed with arguments advanced by Minister Anthony Makana, he has more than compensated for the shortcoming by showing that he is one of us, that he is from us, and is working for us. I can't find better words to express his young and geeky spirit. It is the spirit of this age.
His risky act is not an oddity to be disbanded, but one to be emulated by other ministers. A new model about how a politician ought to act and get involved with the general public.
This model says: be simple, be honest, and be brave, and your reputation will remain intact, while the trust between the people and their government will be strengthened.
Day in the Sun for Africa's Hard-Nosed Entrepreneurs
The New Times
February 11, 2007
By Mwiti Marete
Kigali, Rwanda
David Fick's "Africa: Continent of Economic Opportunity" reads like a "Who is Who" list of hard-nosed African entrepreneurs who have fished in life's dustbins and weathered the elements with astounding results.
The 512-page volume is based on his belief that the second largest continent has immense potential that only waits to be tapped, and his confidence in her citizens' creativity, resilience and industry.
"While many write off Africa as the continent of despair, other enterprising individuals and organisations have recognized the huge, untapped potential of Africa and are actively pursuing business ventures across the continent," says the book.
The book features brief descriptions of these successful entrepreneurs and their ongoing enterprises in Africa. Each story captures the spirit behind these successes and highlights how they are not only creating countless job opportunities in 53 African countries but also bringing immeasurable improvement to the quality of life in African communities
Recognising the African entrepreneurs who are making dreams come true - albeit the hard way - Fick says he wrote the book to create awareness on the obstacles and successes of entrepreneurship in Africa, "to tell the story of people and their communities that are successful in developing Africa".
"By sounding out African entrepreneurs about the visions they harbour of their continent, I have tried to present the successes and the philosophies of these entrepreneurs, and also the philosophies of the economists, educators and political readers who are interested in developing Africa to its full potential for the benefit of Africans and the world," Fick writes.
And he is optimistic.
"'Old' Africa is well known for its many challenges," writes Fick. "In a 'new' Africa, the continent's challenges will be addressed and overcome with new strategies, new approaches and new ways of doing things, in order for Africa's vast opportunities to be exploited for the benefit of its entire people."
Besides calling for the developed world to come to Africa's aid, he prescribes regional cooperation as the cure for the continent's many woes.
"A successful AU will empower all of Africa, not merely the strong countries," Fick observes, and predicts: "Africa's abundant resources will then benefit the health, education and wellbeing of all Africans." He concludes with an array of proposals on how to make life on the continent brighter - aptly called "Africa's Future"............................................
What "Africa: Continent of Economic Opportunity" offers is a rich menu of information - and inspiration - for readers across the divide: policy makers, practising and potential entrepreneurs, scholars, and leisure seekers. Simply put, it is Africa's newest package for global consumption.
For the optimistic, it reinforces their resolve to make Africa a better place for all; for the pessimist, it is a jolting disproval of the old, misplaced depiction of Africa as "the Dark Continent".
And few can be as authoritative on the issues addressed in this book as David S. Fick, a graduate of Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania who has spent his entire business career as an entrepreneur in Kansas and has travelled widely, including to Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. He has visited Africa's other 50 countries via research by means of the Internet and e-mail correspondence, corresponding with entrepreneurs in all the 53 countries and asking for their corrections and improvements to their rough draft text.
Add this to the rich bibliography of speeches by international opinion leaders and reports by credible international bodies and the Media.
And true to his confessed passion for a vibrant economic environment in Africa, Fick has published with an African firm, and his distributors are selected from local booksellers, according to an earlier e-mail interview with this writer. Again, the book is not a money-making venture: the author has donated his entire royalties to charity. To cap it all, the cover illustration is derived from the artwork "Africa Connections", a batik by Nuwa Nnyanzi from Uganda.
Product Details
Softcover: 512 pages
Publisher: STE Publishers (available in United States May 30, 2007).
Please visit www.ste.co.za for Book Description.
Language: English
Type: Business
Date Published: November 2006
Size: 189 x 246mm
ISBN: 1-919855-59-9
Price In South Africa: R380.
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