Building a Functional State in South Sudan
By John A. Akec
Political and economic literature is replete with books
describing the causes and reasons behind states’ failure. ‘Failed states’ are
polities that do not function properly, and hence are incapable of delivering stability
and prosperity to their citizens. This is according to Ashraf Ghani and Clare
Lockhart, authors of a book entitled “Fixing Failed States: A framework for rebuilding
a fractured world” (Oxford University Press, 2008).
According to the authors, the number of states in the world
today that fall in this category range from 40 to 60 in total; and are home to
2 billion people, representing almost half of the population of the globe.
Failed states, as described by Ghani and Lockhart, are “either sliding backward
and teetering on the brink of implosion or have already collapsed”. What’s
more, a state is said to have failed when “vicious networks of criminality,
violence, and drugs feed on disenfranchised populations and uncontrolled
Unsurprisingly, many of us will rush to a conclusion that
such a description fits South Sudan’s political and economic situation squarely,
like a glove. May be. Yet I beg to differ with this characterization in some ways.
South Sudan never had a state to speak of before 2011 so that we can truly describe
as failed. What is true is that South Sudan is striving to build a functional
state from scratch after half a century of devastating conflict with Sudan, and
in the last 5 years with itself. It is not an easy task, and it is a goal being
pursued with slow and varying degrees of success.
That being the case, one cannot entirely dismiss Ghani and
Lockhart’s and other similar works as such as that of Acemoglu and Robinson
(Why Nations Fail), Greg and Obasnjo et. al (Making Africa Work), David Landes
(The Wealth and Poverty of the Nations), Osborne and Gaeble (Reinventing
Government) etc., as irrelevant. In fact, these works have much to teach us
about how a nascent nation like South Sudan can accelerate success in building
a fully functioning state. They provide useful tips and clues.
At the very core of Ghani and Lockhart’s book is a framework
within which success can be measured against 10 cardinal functions a state is
expected to deliver on. In other words, the 10 functions of the state, if
correctly understood by policy-makers, can serve as the barometers against
which progress can be assessed.
These functions are as follows: rule of law which is
concerned primarily with making rules that regulate how society operates, while defining powers and limits of the state and
citizens; monopoly on the the legitimate use of violence; full administrative
control of all state’s territory; sound management of public finances to
minimise corruption and create public value; investment in human capital
necessary for economic growth and industrial development; creation of
citizenship rights through developing and implementing social policy that gives
citizen a stake and boost trust in government; provision of infrastructure
services; creation of favorable conditions for development of markets and jobs
creation; prudent management of public assets such as land, equipment,
buildings, cultural heritages, and national capital such as rivers and forests;
and last, but not least, effective and responsible public borrowing that allows
the state to accelerate socio-economic development without losing its economic
and decision to lenders.
What it takes to achieve each of the 10 functions of the state
can be a whole article. Suffice to say that effective performance of the above
functions by the state leads to synergies that create virtuous circle of
mutually reinforcing decision processes and expand opportunities for the
citizens. This is what Ghani and Lockhart describe as “sovereignty dividend.”
On the other hand, failure to deliver on some of the above functions
leads to vicious cycle in which various centres of power compete over control
of the state, the prevalence
of multiple and contradictory
decision processes that confuse government’s priorities, citizen loss of trust
in their government, loss of legitimacy by institutions of governance, disenfranchisement
of the citizens, and, in many cases, the eruption of violent conflict.
When this second scenario persists, it gives rise to
“sovereignty gap.” This means the government of the country concerned is
required to do more to reduce the sovereignty gap and increase the sovereignty
For South Sudan, we can agree that there is currently more “sovereignty
gap” than “sovereignty dividend.” We should not lose hope, though. To be able
to fulfill the 10 functions of the state as enumerated above, enabling
conditions must to be created by our government.
These conditions include but not limited to reforming the
civil service to raise its competence and capacity to design and implement
policies, creation of institution for strategic and centralized planning, creation
of a ministry for coordination of all the government, strengthening of the
revenue authority to mobilise domestic revenues, and investing in education and
skills training in order to raise nation’s scientific, technological,
administrative, and managerial capacity.
Without these ingredients of success, nothing can really move forward.
Above all, our government must muster strong political will so as to take all such measures as would propel our country out of conflict, insecurity,
and poverty, into the league of functioning states, among the world community of nations.
The goal of building a fully functioning
polity in South Sudan in one generation is a challenge pregnant with
opportunity. It is an opportunity worth ceasing.